Monday, September 23, 2013

Halloween Costume Ideas 2013 - The 90s

*Note: This will be my last Halloween costume idea for this year. As usual, I got overly ambitious and was unable to come through with more ideas. I ran out of steam already! I hope you enjoyed the few ideas that I was able to come up with. My apologies! #FAIL

Oh, the 90s! The era of roller blades and Tamagotchis! The 90s was a pretty fun decade, but the fashion was atrocious! There were some cute things here and there, but overall, I would have to give 90s fashion a disappointing D+! But as a Halloween costume, 90s fashion is awesome! So much to work with here! Below are some items I found that can be included in a 90s costume (Some things that are not shown below but would be a great addition to your 90s costume include: baggy jeans, choker necklaces, and parachute pants). Also, don't forget to hit up your local thrift stores too. No doubt you'll find some gems in there!

For the girls:

And for the guys:

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